WILC incorporates the Independent Living philosophy of choice, societal inclusion, and empowerment for people with disabilities.
WILC staff members provide information, counseling, guidance, and understanding when working with WILC’s consumers, but it is the consumers themselves who make their own choices toward the pursuit of their personal objectives.
WILC provides information on and referrals to services available for individuals with varying disabilities. The aim is to provide individuals with resources and options that can assist them in making informed choices about living, learning, and working independently. WILC’s staff is available to both consumers and agencies to research individual requests for information and potential referral resources. The following are examples of issues/areas on which we provide information:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Mental health/health care supports and services
- Senior services
- Assistive Technology
- Legal services
- Systems Advocacy
- ADA Consultation
WILC”s Benefits and Entitlements services are provided by Advocates and Peer Advocates who are certified Benefits and Work Incentives Practitioners. This service is designed to help consumers understand what resources are available to them and to assist them in making informed choices. We provide assistance in understanding and accessing available resources, such as:
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Social Security Work Incentive Program
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Medicaid benefits for the working disabled (Medicaid Buy-In)
- Public assistance
- Food stamps
- Emergency food sources
- Immigration services
WILC’s staff can also provide the following:
- Assistance in completing applications;
- Assistance in locating resources to help in the development of a PASS PLAN (SSI’s Plans for Achieving Self-Support)
- Assistance in preparing for hearings, administrative reviews and appeals
- Assistance with Section 8 housing applications and advocacy
On an individual and/or group basis, peer advisors offer emotional support and practical advice on disability-related issues and concerns. Peer advisors can meet with individuals in WILC’s main office in White Plains, satellite office (PILS) in Carmel, and/or outreach office in Yonkers. Peer advisors are also available to visit newly disabled individuals at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and mental health facilities to help facilitate their transition back to the community. Peer advisors can serve as role models. The approach is – We’ve been there, we can talk about how we’ve coped.
WILC and its satellite office, PILS, have Cyber Cafés available for use by consumers who do not have access to computers and/or internet access. This allows consumers to access the internet for information, correspond with their VR counselors, up-date their resumes, and/or work on job search functions. Staff is available to provide assistance.
Do any of these questions apply to you?
If yes, we can help.
- I went to the pharmacy and couldn’t get my medication. They told me my Medicaid was inactive. What do I do now?
- I was denied SSI/SSDI benefits. Can I appeal?
If yes, how? - How much SSDI or SSI am I entitled to receive?
- My Food Stamps were reduced or cut off. What do I do now?